With a beautiful new set of eyelash extensions, of course, we want to show them off. They make us look alert without having a stitch of makeup.
However, with your new eyelash extensions, you don't want to ruin them after they have cost you an arm and a leg.
In this comprehensive guide, we will look at multiple ways of safely removing extensions, how to wash your face when you have eyelash extensions, and what type of extensions there are.
Removing Eyelash Extensions
Right now would be an excellent time to learn the basics of removing false eyelashes. Since you won't be always able to visit a salon and have your lash extensions removed by a professional, you might need to do it yourself.
Above all, grown-out lash extensions don't look good. You won't be able to maintain them in the same neat, shiny, elongated shape and condition as in the beginning.
Eventually, they will start to fall off. If you do the removal right, you won't be left without your natural virgin eyelashes. You will still have a solid base for renewing your extensions.
There are several ways in which you can remove lashes, including professional eyelash gel removers which have the most effective consistency to do the job harmlessly.
The good news is that removing fake eyelashes is easier than putting them on. If you want to know how to remove fake eyelashes with coconut oil, baby oil, or a makeup remover, read on.
How to Remove Eyelash Extensions - Step by Step Guide
You will need:
- Gel removing liquid for eyelash extensions
- Under eye pads
- Disposable micro-brush applicators
- Cotton pads
- Gentle eye makeup remover
- Disposable spoolie brush / clean mascara wand
Step 1.
Remove the under-eye pads from their packaging. They should be in the shape of a C.
Place the sticky side down to your skin, make sure that you stick the adhesive on top of your lower lashes as well.
Don't worry these are safe to stick onto your bottom lashes and will come off without removing your bottom lashes.

Step 2.
Take two micropore brush applicators and saturate the micro brush heads with your removing gel/liquid.

Step 3.
Now close your eye tightly, take the micro brush and run it down the lashes gently in a downward motion.
Start about mid-way running it to the tip of your lash line and then work your way up closer to the root of the lash in a sweeping or brushing motion. Brush the removing solution onto the row of lashes.
Do not rub the lash line: please avoid the skin as you do not want this solution going into your eye. If you do get this into your eye, flush it out immediately with cold water.

Step 4.
Let the solution sit and seep into your lashes for about three minutes. If you are doing this alone, do one eye at a time.
Or, if you are lucky enough to have a friend to help you, you can do both eyes at the same time.

Step 5.
After the requested waiting time is up, get your other clean saturated gel micro brush head and gently brush down and through your lashes and as you will see your eyelashes flake away.

Step 6.
Now that you have taken all the eyelash extensions off, take your gentle eye makeup remover and douse your cotton pad and wipe away any leftover residue from the gel remover away from your eyelashes and you are done.

Step 7.
For extra measure take a disposable spoolie brush or clean mascara wand and brush your natural eyelashes.

Alternative Removal Solutions with Household Products
If you are not able to afford the high price tag of removing your extensions via a salon, or you not keen on putting chemicals or artificial stress on your eyelashes, we have some alternatives using all-natural products: olive oil and coconut oil.
Keep in mind these natural remedies will take longer to remove.
How to Remove Eyelash Extensions Using Olive Oil
You will need:
- A facial cleanser or makeup wipes
- Big bowl preferably ceramic or glass
- Towel
- Olive oil
- Cotton pad
- Disposable spoolie brushes/ clean mascara wand

Step 1.
Pour boiling water into a bowl.

Step 2.
Be careful when doing this next step: Face the bowl, lean forward and have your face sit about 30cm away from the hot bowl of water and cover your head with the towel by draping the towel over your head and having the towel trap the steam from all sides of the bowl.
Your face should be close enough that the steam is purifying your face and loosening the eyelash extension from the adhesive bond. You should not feel like your skin is burning from the steam or that you cannot breathe, if so your face is too close.
Steam your face for about 10 minutes.

Step 3.
After the steaming process is complete, remove the towel and bowl. Take a cotton pad and cotton bud and pour olive oil onto both items. Place the soaked cotton pad onto your eyelid.
Try to avoid opening your eye as there may be some slight stinging involved. Leave it on there for about three minutes.

Step 4.
After the three minutes is up, take the cotton bud and run it through your lashes in a downward motion. You will see the eyelash extension come right off.
Do not pull, just drag gently. Pulling will lead to the ripping off of your natural eyelash.

Step 5.
Repeat this step onto the other eye.
Step 6.
Once you are satisfied with both eyes, wash away any excess residue.

Step 7.
Take a disposable spoolie brush or clean mascara wand and brush your natural eyelashes.
How to Remove False Eyelashes with Coconut Oil
Blessed be the coconut oil - it is a true saviour for great nails, skin, and hair. But has it crossed your mind that you can use it to remove your fake lashes?
Not a big secret for those who use it as a gentle makeup remover, coconut oil is a welcome surprise for first-time lash fans.
How to remove eyelash extensions using Coconut Oil
You will need:
- Coconut oil
- Cotton buds
- Cotton pads
- Disposable spoolie brushes/ clean mascara wand

Step 1.
Take the coconut oil and pour it onto the cotton pad. Place the soaked cotton pad onto your closed eye for three minutes.

Step 2.
After three minutes have passed, take your cotton bud and rub some coconut oil onto it and brush down.
As you brush down you can see the eyelash extensions detaching from your natural lash.

Step 3.
Repeat these steps on your other eye. Please remember not to rub hard or tug as this will pull away at your natural lashes.
Step 4.
Wash away any excess coconut oil residue.
Step 5.
Brush your natural eyelashes with a disposable spoolie brush or clean mascara wand.

If you like these steps or have your own experiences please leave a comment below on this
Coconut oil is one of the safest, hypoallergenic substances for almost every type of skin. As a natural product, it won't cause a skin rash or ruin the sensitive area around the eyes.
Extra tip: If you have makeup on, you can soak a cotton towel in oil and cover your whole face, letting the coconut oil act as a makeup remover, too.
Taking off Lash Extensions with a Makeup Remover
Certain makeup removers have a warning that they are not to be used by persons who have lash extensions. This warning is placed for obvious reasons: they will dissolve the lash adhesive and remove eyelashes unintentionally when you clean your eye makeup.
However, if you do want to remove false lashes along with the makeup, you can choose an all-purpose makeup remover that will take off the eyelashes as you remove your eyeshadow, liner, and mascara.
Keep in mind that not all makeup removers will be adequate for use on the eyes. Be it because they are only intended for the face or because they do not have the necessary ingredients to take off the glue.
Additionally, ensure that a product is right for you first by doing a test patch.
When you consider new DIY lash extensions, look for kits that include a remover, too. This will facilitate the whole process without causing unnecessary headaches from thinking you may end up lashless.
If you don't have a steady hand, consider single-use false eyelashes. This is much easier to attempt on your own and offers similar results with low maintenance.
How to Remove Fake Lashes with Baby Oil or Petroleum Jelly
From the previous methods, it is evident that easy-does-it is when you have to take off fake lashes by yourself. Products you typically keep at home for other purposes, such as baby oil or petroleum jelly can also be used for eyelash removal.
Baby Oils
Most baby oils are manufactured to soothe sensitive baby skin so they are least likely to cause adverse skin reactions. Did we mention they are both the safe and the cheap alternative?
Make sure to check the ingredients if you have sensitive skin because there is a reason baby oils aren't the product of choice for adults. Added baby fragrances may irritate your eyes.
Test the product first on your forehead or cheeks. If redness occurs, you may need to rely on eyelash removers specialised for delicate eye skin.
Use tweezers to pull the lashes gently. Instead of a pad, you can use an old mascara brush to distribute the product.
Good Old Vaseline
Petroleum jelly is another affordable alternative you can use to take off aged eyelash extensions. The process is more or less the same as with other products.
- Make sure you have removed all makeup before you go for the eyelashes. Steaming your face also helps. It will soften the glue and break the bonds more easily. Alternatively, place a warm moist towel for a few minutes over your face. Use hot water or a microwave to warm up the towel and sanitise it.
- Soak a cotton gauze or a pad in jelly and leave it over closed eyes. When you use petroleum jelly to remove eyelashes, don't let it get into your eyes: it is denser than regular oils and will be unpleasant for your sight.
- If your lashes are persistent, take a shower and use the remaining bathroom steam to wipe over your eyes with Vaseline several times until it completely breaks down the glue.
Some celebrities swear in petroleum jelly. Jennifer Aniston smears Vaseline under her eyes each time before she goes to bed. If this is the secret she looks the way she does, we don't see a reason why you shouldn't use the jelly as an eyelash remover.
Extra tip: Be careful with essential oils since many of them aren't suitable for rubbing into the eyes or applying on your eyelids. Under certain conditions, they can even scar the eye tissue.
Regardless of the product you choose or have at your home to remove false eyelashes, go soft and don't rush.
Washing Your Face
One of the first questions you ask yourself after you've stepped out of the salon is about how to look after your lashes and how to wash your face with eyelash extensions.
Here are some ways to still be able to wash and cleanse your face, as well as take care of your new full set of voluminous lashes, too.
This cleansing regime will leave your skin feeling fresh, clean and rejuvenated and make your eyelash extensions look as good as new.
How to Wash Your Face with Eyelash Extensions
1. Makeup Wipe
Take a makeup wipe and wipe away all the makeup on your face. This will take away most of your makeup on the surface but will not give you a more thorough clean just basically "scratching the surface", so to speak.
I prefer to use one of my daughter's baby wipes and douse that with a Gentle Micellar Water for Face and Eyes. I use this to wipe away all the makeup instead, being careful not to go around my eye area and just wipe over my coloured-in eyebrows.
This is as close as I will go to touching the perimeter of my eye area.
2. Cleanse
Use an oil-based cleanser to further knock out and break up any makeup on your face.
Take a small amount on your fingertips and massage this around your cheeks, forehead, nose, upper lip, chin, around your temples and neck area.
Be careful to not get this near your eye area as oil components will break down the adhesive of the lash glue on your lashes. So it is imperative not to get any of these solutions on your eyelid area.
Step 3. Washcloth
Take a washcloth and dip it in warm water. Wring out the excess and wipe that all over your face to take away all the oil-based cleanser.
Once again, be careful not to be too heavy-handed around the eye area. This can be done more than one time as the oil-based cleanser may be harder to get off in one go.
Step 4. Double Cleanse
With double cleansing, you will get more of a heavy-duty sense of cleansing.
Use a cleansing foam for your face and massage it onto your face and neck again, ensuring not to get this around your eye area.
If you are wearing makeup every day of the week I suggest you mix it up with an exfoliating gel, as exfoliating once to twice a week is the key to getting the radiant and luminous skin glow.
Step 5. Washcloth
Take a washcloth again, dip it in warm water, wring out the excess and wipe that all over your face to take away all the foam-based cleanser residue.
Once again, be careful not to be too heavy-handed around the eye area.
6. Tone
Now take a toner and put a few drops on a cotton pad and wipe that all over your face.
This will tone and hydrate your face, purifying and normalising your face's natural sebum. Almost done here guys, just one more step to go.
Step 7. Moisturise
Time to moisturise and there are many great moisturisers available. I simply adore night creams and I have personally been using the Neutrogena Hydroboost Night Cream Night Concentrate.
It is creamy and super hydrating and I notice how supple my skin feels the next morning.
How to Wash Your Face With Eyelash Extensions (Eyelids with Eyelashes)
You will need:
- Foaming pump dispenser
- Cotton pads
- Distilled water
- Baby shampoo
- Bi-Carb Soda
- Mascara Wand
- Soft bristled eyeshadow brush
- Eye makeup remover (oil-free)
- Hair dryer
Step 1.
The first step in how to wash your face with eyelash extensions is to soak your cotton pad with an oil-free eye makeup remover.
Ensure the whole cotton pad is wet as you don't want any stray cotton strands to get stuck onto your eyelash extensions.
Take your cotton round and fold it in half so you have a semi-circle shape and wipe away all your eye makeup, on the eyelid and underneath your bottom lashes too.
You just want to clean the skin around your eye area and not the lashes.
Step 2.
Take a foaming pump bottle and mix a tablespoon of your baby shampoo (no tears solution) and a teaspoon of your bicarb soda in with your distilled water, shake that all up.
Baby shampoo is a gentle cleaning solution that will not sting the eyes and if it is good for a baby, then it's good for the eyes. Bicarb soda has mild antiseptic properties and soothes irritation.
Step 3.
Now take a pump of your brand new eyelash cleaning solution and put a blob of that onto your clean eyeshadow brush - this will be your newly selected eyelash extension cleaning brush and coat that gently onto your lashes, brushing through and down the lashes ever so gently.
Do not pull or tug in this process. You will have to do one eye at a time for this.
Step 4.
Wash away the soapy foamy residue with some water.
Step 5.
With your eyelashes still wet, in a cool setting on your hair dryer blowdry your eyelash extensions upwards so that they will dry structured, lifted and straight up.
So your hairdryer nozzle should be facing upwards so that the cool air flow shoots straight up to dry. You do not want to go warm or hot for fear of singeing your new set of gorgeous lashes.
Step 6.
Your eyelash extensions should be dry now so brush your eyelashes through with a clean mascara wand to make them fluffy and good as new.
So there you have it, ladies - just some tips and tricks to cleanse your face and clean your eyelash extensions. Please feel free to comment below if you have other tips on how to wash your face with eyelash extensions.
What Types of Eyelash Extensions Are There?
Choosing from a variety of eyelash extensions is not easy. The types of eyelash extensions you need to consider include natural, as well as man-made lashes. They all come in a mixture of lengths, curves, and materials.
You also need to think of choosing between flat and curved extensions. Also, take into consideration the shape of your eyes to pick what's right for you.
You can get eyelash clusters applicable to sections of your eyes too. Individual lashes require the ultimate tweezer application skills, that give a more striking look that's necessary at special occasions.
As a general rule, lashes made from natural materials are low-key, gentle eye-poppers, and synthetic eyelashes are for more dramatic looks.
Natural Lash Extension Materials: Mink, Sable, and Fox Fur
Natural eyelash extensions are made from mink, sable, or fox fur. Mink and sable eyelashes typically come from Siberian minks and sables and are the most expensive type of extensions.
Fox eyelash extensions are reddish, but they can be dyed to suit darker lashes. Lashes that come from animals mimic natural hair and blend into your own lashes for a natural look.
When done professionally, hardly anyone will notice that your peepers have some extraordinary animal fur. According to most manufacturers, the animals are not harmed for the fur, they are gently brushed and the naturally shed hair is then used to make the extensions.
Now, there are always ethical considerations when using animal fur. If you are not a fan of this, you might want to go for man-made types of eyelash extensions.
Another downside to natural lashes is their sensitivity.
Since they are from animals and are real hair they can flop down or lose their curl when moistened or treated with makeup remover.
If you like to wear thin eyelashes with the most resemblance to your own, then this is your lash extension type. In case you haven't heard, there are also lashes made out of human hair:
Man-made Types of Eyelash Extensions
Man-made types include synthetic and silk eyelashes, usually made out of polyester or acrylic fibres. Synthetic eyelash extensions tend to look the most fabricated.
They are also the most durable and give a theatrical look that cannot be achieved with natural eyelashes.
Silk Lash Extensions
Silk eyelashes are not really made from natural silk. They are the safest, medium alternative between natural and dramatic synthetic lashes, made from synthetic silk materials.
Silk eyelashes are thicker at the bottom and thinner at the and follow the natural line of your lashes. These lash extensions emphasise your eye beauty without looking too weird or purposefully done.
The good thing about silk eyelash extensions is that it doesn't contain animal fur, so you can wear them if you are prone to fur allergies.
Additionally, silk lashes require little to no maintenance and are a good choice for low-maintenance lashes.
Synthetic Eyelashes
Are you a vegan or just concerned about animal well-being? Then, you can go for synthetic faux-mink lash extensions.
Synthetic eyelash extensions come as standard cuts and lengths as silk or natural lashes.
Most synthetic lashes are made from PBT also called Korean fibres, which is a type of texturised yarn. Therefore, when you spot a cool pair of eyelashes and decide that's exactly what you like, don't forget to ask if they are real or faux-mink so that you can inform your lash artist accordingly.
Factors You Need to Think of Before Choosing Your Lash Extension Type
Most lash technicians use some type of eyelash extensions made out of synthetic fibres, and they are the most popular ones. However, don't just go straight for synthetics before considering all factors.
Eye Shape, Colour, Orientation and Skin Type
Your eyelash extension choice depends on factors such as the shape of your eyes, eyelids, and eyebrows, your skin quality, your lifestyle, as well as your high or low maintenance levels and your ethical beliefs.
Most lash artists will tell you how to decide among the three most common types of eyelash extensions. Generally, they advise you to go for man-made if you want long-lasting beauty lashes.
Length and Curl
The majority of lash extensions come in the range between 9 mm and 15mm. Obviously, you'll go for longer half-inch eyelashes if your own lashes are longer.
Curls can be shaped like the letter J and they tend to follow natural curls, while eyelash extensions shaped like the letter C are the bolder, curlier, and more impressive choice.
Glamour vs. All-Natural
A nude makeup palette and an easy-breezy summer style might not look good with accentuated synthetic lashes. But if you are going for the glamorous diva look, then, by all means, go big, long, curly, thick, and beautiful.
Before finalising your decision, check with your lash technician to see what types of lashes they provide. Not all of them have all types, particularly natural lash extension types.
While you are there, pick up some lash maintenance tips and ask how they can be removed so that you don't ruin your fabulous look immediately. And make sure that your lashes can be customised to achieve a personalised look.
There is some real magic in the flirty glance thrown from under big beautiful lashes.
Lash extensions are not only aesthetically pleasing - they are practical, too, as they will cut down on your prep time.
Hopefully, after reading this guide, you now know how to wash your face with eyelash extensions and also remove them when you need to.
You may find out that some methods don't work for you despite doing wonders for others. When you meet your face in the mirror afterwards and notice your naturally thinner eyelash line, don't panic.
You have probably got used to your curvy, voluminous false eyelashes and now nothing else would do. Guess it is time for extending your lashes again!