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Collection: Concealer

Use Concealer To Hide Outbreaks

It doesn't matter how good your skin is, you can sometimes be prone to a breakout or acne here or there. More often than not, they come at the worst time too. Right before a wedding or a date, you can't help but wish it wasn't there at all. While concealer doesn't have the power to make the blemish physically go away, it can make it appear as though it did. Concealers vary and it can be hard to decide which colour to select with so many options out there. AMR offers a colour correction concealer wheel, so you can hide whatever comes your way.

Decoding Concealer Colours

Pinks, reds, greens and oranges are just a few of the concealer colours you'll find. Each colour serves a different purpose and sometimes your face could look like a rainbow before you've had the chance to get to eyeshadows yet! Green is used to hide redness and acene. This is probably one of the most common concealer colours used. You'd use yellow to hide purple tones like bruising and veins. If you've got dark circles under your eyes too, this will help to hide them. If your skin is a little darker, the orange concealer will hide those dark circles for you. For those with a more pale complexion, pink will suit you just fine. When you've carefully placed small amounts of product in the troubled area, blend it using a beauty blender or brush. Try to keep the colours with the colour correction areas for the best results.

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