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Collection: Strip Wax

Strip Wax Vs Hot Wax

When deciding on what type of wax to use, the two most common types people choose are the strip wax and hot waxes. Both produce great results but their methods and consistencies are a little different. Strip wax is a runny consistency that's applied in a thin layer. Hot wax is applied thicker and is almost creamy when applied. Hot wax takes a little longer to dry, while the other wax is removed straight away. Both are great for removing hair, it just comes down to the method you feel the most comfortable with.

Using Strip Wax

Strip wax is easier to use than you think. Firstly, prepare the skin by using a cleanser or pre-wax lotion. This helps to clean the area of skin and allow the wax to grasp the hair for optimal removal. Secondly, once the wax is heated, apply directly to the skin. Use a strip to apply directly on top of the wax. Thirdly, grab one end of the strip and quickly pull back while placing one hand firmly on the area of removal. You will then repeat these steps until the area is fully waxed.

Post waxing, you will then add a soothing lotion or cream. This helps to prevent any irritation, redness, swelling or rashes. For areas where the hair is thicker, consider using a hot wax instead. Both will effectively remove the hair, one is just better for thinner hair. Many professionals stock both just for different regions to be safe.

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