Collection: 30 Vol Developer

30 Vol Developers

30 Vol is not for the faint of heart.

This developer will lift 2-4 levels when used with permanent colour. Although powerful developers will increase the rate of reaction, the risk of damage and dryness is greater. Meanwhile, weaker developers take longer to process, but the transformation is gentle on the hair.

Check out zero lift, 3.5 vol developer, 5 vol developer and 10 vol developer to explore this gentle approach.

Developer or Peroxide?

The differences between developer and peroxide are actually quite significant.

One of the biggest differences between the two agents is consistency. Peroxide is thinner and runnier compared to developer, which means the latter is better suited to balayage. Plus, there is less chance of messiness and colour leakage.

Both agents are easy to handle and the process time is similar. The final decision just comes down to personal preference. You can contact our friendly staff if you have any questions about which is best for your needs.

Will 30 Vol Developer Cause Damage?

As a hairdresser, it's important to understand the state of your client's hair. You should be familiar with the condition, texture and colour history before performing any colouring services.

Keep in mind if hair is compromised, there will be a greater chance of dryness, breakage and damage afterwards. We recommend using plenty of Limitless Bond System Kit #1 to restore the hair before, during and after appointments. You can also use gentle developers to gradually transform the hair rather than immediately grabbing 30 vol and 40 vol developers.

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Your Questions Answered

30 volume developer is a strong developer used for significant hair lightening. The recommended time varies depending on a product. However, in general 30-45 minutes for application is sufficient.