Collection: Shaving Products

Shaving Products For Skin Preservation

When shaving, you will often find the likelihood of cutting yourself is high. Whether you're a professional or an amateur, accidents happen. Shaving products can help prevent skin irritation and reduce the likelihood of incidents occurring. Certain pre and post shaving items can help to ensure the best results possible. Each product serves a different purpose and aims to make your life easier.

Shaving Products On Offer

Nevertheless, AMR offers a number of specialised products for your shaving journey in varied sizes. If you shave often or offer shaving services, consider purchasing in bulk. Items on offer include:

  • Shaving creams - Ideal for using during the shaving process to prevent rashes and skin irritation
  • Shaving soap - Cleans and moisturises the skin pre-shave
  • Shave gel - Used to assist shaving. Low lather formula that means you can see where you are shaving, meaning it's less likely to accidentally break the skin
  • Shave Oils - Used as a shaving agent to easily allow for the blade to glide over the skin. It can also be used as a pre-shave softner or double as a beard oil.

Attain The Perfect Shave

Using the correct shaving products will help to achieve a great shave, but technique and tools are everything. Using a proper technique will help to ensure a smooth process. Ensure you are using light strokes with a razor and properly used shaving products prior to commencement. Rinse the blade often and don't forget aftershave! Furthermore, consider the tools you are using. Are you frequently using shavers and trimmer or does your look require you to use blades and traditional razors? All of these factors need to be considered for optimum results.

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35 products