Collection: Eye and Lip Care

Skin Care Products for Eyes and Lip Care

Caring for the skin around your eyes and your lips is much easier when you have quality skin care products. Making sure you have a proper routine in place will help save you, as well as good products.

Skin Care Products for Around the Eyes

Your eyes may feel like they are harder to care for because they are considered to be delicate. It is important to be careful, especially working with chemicals around your eyes so choosing quality skin care products is crucial. Around the eyes is where wrinkles start to appear first. Thankfully, we offer many great products to prevent the signs of ageing. Byotea has created a range of product for almost all skin types.

Lip Care Essentials

Lip care can come in many shapes and forms. Some lip care consists of removing cold sores and other medical mishaps, while others ensure they aren't being burned in the sun or cracking or drying. For SPF50 rated lip care products that also hydrate your lips check out the range from Bondi Sands. Working in air-conditioned environments can often cause the skin to dry out and even cause painful damage. To help prevent that happening, keep the skin of the lips well hydrated. Lip balms and moisturisers are easy to carry around and will be one of your best friends and essential to caring for your lips.
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7 products