Collection: Tanning

Tanning Products

Getting the perfect tan is possible when you use great tanning products. The last thing you want is for your skin to go blotchy and orange for a major event or a wedding. There are a number of tanning products on the market to help you to get the perfect tan. Some require the work of a specialist and a spray gun, while others you can use at home.

If you prefer to get darker gradually on your own, we’ve got a range of products right up your alley. Here is an overview of the best gradual tanners to try. If you’re a professional looking for a range of products for your clients. We offer major brands your clients will love! Using the right products will help to eliminate that risk of discolouration, followed by a good skincare routine.

Exfoliated & Ready For Tanning Products:

It’s important to ensure you have exfoliated before carrying out a fake tan. This is because the fake tan sometimes does not take to the dead skin or is over porous, meaning the colour grabs faster to a particular area. It means the colour is more likely to become patchy and have sections with orange. A good regime will help to stop a fake tan going patchy.

Firstly, wet your skin with warm water. You can do this in either the shower or the bath. Secondly, apply a body scrub over your skin and give it a few minutes to soak. Then use your scrubbing brush or exfoliator to rub circles over your skin.

After completing this process over your entire body, rinse off the lotion and dead skin. It’s recommended that you do this the night prior to carrying out the tan. It’s important to remind any clients of this prior to make a booking for the best results possible.

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54 products