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Collection: Nail Accessories

Accessible Nail Accessories

Nail technicians and nail enthusiasts know the need for nail accessories. Having the ability to create different styles, patterns and looks on a nail is a common occurrence, so it's important to have the right tools to achieve the client's needs. Jewels, files, cuticle cutters, buffer blocks and polishes are just some of the tools you'll need to get the job done. While completing these tasks, it's also important to take into consideration your own personal safety.

Protection Protection

While completing a person's nails, you can be exposed to many chemicals and dust particles. For this reason, it is important to have adequate protection. Face masks and gloves are highly recommended to help prevent you from breaking in dangerous particles. AMR offers masks and gloves in bulk sizes, helping to bring down the cost or something used regularly. Masks are intended to be disposable and the same mask shouldn't be used frequently. The masks are a one size fits all solution to any salons needs. It's important to note the face masks should be tightly fitted to stop any particles from getting under the mask and you inhaling.

Gloves are great if you are working with many clients and chemicals all day. When working with nail polish removers, you may want to consider using disposable gloves. It can sometimes be difficult to do nail art and painting with the gloves if they aren't properly fitted. Ensure you have tight-fitting gloves for the best results. Additionally, you can use other nail accessories to better the overall design of the nails.

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    33 products