Collection: Barbering Accessories

Stocking Varied Barbering Accessories

Owning a barbershop means you need to have varied tools to get the job done. Owners just a set of good clippers and trimmers often won't be enough. Apart from furniture, there are a few other items you may consider stocking. Additional barbering accessories can help improve the efficiency of the process and give a better result for the client.

Types Of Barbering Accessories To Consider Stocking

Firstly, consider stocking barbering capes. They help to prevent hair from going over your personal clothing and are easier to clean. The material they're made from is made to withstand potential cuts, heat, colour and any other incident they may encounter. They can also be used to help create a uniform for the barbershop, giving a professional look to the service.

Secondly, consider owning capes and neck dusters. These will prevent hair from falling all over your client. The capes provide a protective barrier, that allows the hair to easily fall from the cape, onto the floor. The only place where hair may get stuck is the back of the neck. This is where a neck duster will be a good addition to remove excess hair. By brushing the neck lightly, the hair should easily fall away.

Thirdly, stock a spray bottle, steriliser and comb. The spray bottle and the comb will make cutting the hair easier. If you have someone wanting to keep some length to their hair, then scissors are needed. The spray bottle helps to wet the hair so you can make it one length. It's good if the person has curly hair, it makes the cutting even. The comb can help to measure the length, as well as brush out any knots. Furthermore, a steriliser is great if you use blades for cutting or shaving. Rather than only using a single-use blade, you can sterilise a multi-use blade to be used across your clients.

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