Collection: Hot Wax

Using Hot Wax

Hot wax is a thicker type of wax that requires heat to be applied. Often warmed by using a pot, the wax melts and then is applied to the required area with a wooden paddle pop stick or spatula. The wax is applied and left until it begins to dry and becomes sticky. It is then pulled, removing the hair from the skin. Additionally, you can use oils and lotions to soothe the skin pre and post-wax for good measure.

Selecting The Right Hot Wax For Your Clients

Picking a hot wax can be difficult. More thought needs to go into picking a wax than just a scent. Firstly, you need to consider the skin type of your client. Start by asking them if they suffer from sensitive skin. If they do, use a brand made specifically for hypoallergenic skin. Soothing ingredients are less likely to cause irritation.

Secondly, consider your client base. Are they mostly comprised of men or women? Men tend to have thicker and more coarse hair than females. This means that they will require a wax that is a little stronger. It will allow for the hair to be removed easier and less likely to leave any stray hairs. Third and finally, consider the region in which you are waxing. The public region requires it's own specific type of wax to successfully remove hair. A Brazilian wax will be the best bet at removing stubborn hairs. It's best to have an assortment of hot waxes available as you never know who will walk through the doors.

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