10 Easy Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair - AMR Hair & Beauty

10 Easy Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

It's a challenge to style curly, fuzzy hair that just won't stay put. It looks like it's all over the place. Naturally wavy or curly hair tends to get crimped and get more frizzly, mainly due to an improper routine. Humid weather makes dry or inadequately treated hair thirsty and absorbing of all drops of moisture from the environment.

On the plus side, frizzy hair owners are often blessed with extra volume and natural bounciness. That said, curly hair still deserves to be gently treated, just like any other. Finding the appropriate care line and hairstyle for frizzy hair can sometimes be a nightmare.

Going for the straightener is a quick and easy fix. However, heat straightening won't produce good results in the long run or make a great style statement. If a haircut or professional styling is out of the question, we have some ideas, tips and tricks that you can try for yourself.

Hairstyles for Frizzy Hair - Get Resourceful

You can't change the weather or your natural curliness. However, apart from giving your hair what it needs in terms of cleaning and nourishment, you can still get awesome-looking hair by choosing a great frizzy hairdo.

So, how do you make the best of the fuzzy mess to look smooth and uncompromisingly original with your frizzly style? let's take a look at ten of the most original and evergreen hairstyles for frizzy hair that work even if your mane gets crimped to an impossible level.

10 Easy Ultra Chic Hairstyles for Frizzy Hair

Let's get into some great hairstyles you can try...

1. Messy Bun

Who said fuzzy hair can't be glamorous? You can play with a bun as much as you like by placing it high on top or lower at the neck. The convenience of messy buns for frizzy hair is that you get the naturally fuzzy oomph without the blow-dry.

Buns are great for slightly wavy hair with fuller curls, even with the annoying frizz that results from cloudy weather. No wonder a messy bun is a favourite hairstyle for so many girls. The only danger is that buns can be such an easy option that you go to a bun all the time. So let's check out some other options.

2. Half-Updo

For hair that is good enough to let loose but not so great for a full-down display, half-updo variants can save the day. Braided, twisted, clipped or loosely tied, half-updos speak effortless chic for frizzly hairstyles. They are great for the bar or the beach, and they will look even better after a few drinks. it's not that difficult to make one yourself - here is how to do a half updo like a breeze.

3. Loose French Braid Combo

The somewhat classical French braid can be a great source of inspiration for modern hairstyles for frizzy hair. French braids suit curly hair and a little frizz won't affect the overall impression - it might even give it special panache, especially if you know how to pull off a few side twists to break down the same-old look.

Sometimes, frizzy hair strands can get naughty. You can discipline them by spraying them with a keratin-rich product that doesn't let the hair take its own way without control.

4. Undone Bouncy Ponytail

This undone ponytail looks good for shorter hair, too, but it's most spectacular when done on a longer mane. This look is very affordable as some tangle ties might be all you need to pull off a look like this.

Longer hairstyles for frizzy hair can feel like torture sometimes because you may need to spend hours after each shower carefully untangling misbehaving strands and trying to make them decent. The undone ponytail is a lifesaver in these situations.

Add a bareback top and chandelier earrings and you are as ready to hit the town.

5. Braided Headband

Usually, frizzy hair gets crimped at the ends while the top remains calmer, but also oilier. If you need to fight both hair nemesis - frizz and grease at the same time, this braided headband will help. Single-braided, double-braided, or Dutch-braided, gives a demure look and it can save you money for headband accessories. It also lets you play with your self-styling creativity whenever you don't have much time to properly treat fuzzy hair.

6. Topknot

Is it 'The Lord of the Rings'? Is it 'Game of Thrones' with Jason Momoa and his man bun? The answer is not as important as the fact that we are all in love with the simple, warrior-like crown hairstyle that should be looking weird but is, on the contrary, looking swell, sweet, and stunning.

7. Choppy Curls

Yes, there is such a thing as cutting the curls at the right point. When you get the right cut, all those frizzy hair problems evaporate. For shorter curly hairstyles that tend to frizz and crimple, find a good hairdresser and ask for a hairstyle that will suit your natural curliness without letting the frizz rule and spoil everything. You can add extra brilliance and texture by regular hair mask application and soothing dry ends with a velvety-feel cream.

8. High Pigtail Buns

If you look good with middle-parted hair, don't look further than this fun hairstyle for frizzy hair that will work all day in hot weather but also stay neat under beanies when it gets colder outside.

If you are in a hurry or want to save your hair from frequent washes that additionally crimple it take the pigtails high. don't worry about hairs falling off to the side - that's what makes it go from a middle-school look to Princess Leia's badassness.

9. Short Hair With a Front Tuft

It can't get any cooler than this short hair with a tuft that's skillfully cut to give an attitude. Although shorter hairstyles for frizzy hair may not require as much proper shampooing and massive amounts of time spent on restoring shine and sleekness as longer frizzly waves, we still like seeing it alluring. This one is a definite go-to for shorter frizzy hair. Add in a scarf for a stylish 80's look.

10. Side-Parted Uneven Bob

For hair that's in-between frizz and curls, you can't be too sure what are the right styling products - should you smooth it out or let it curl up?

Why not get the best of both worlds by investing in an expert haircut such as this side-parted or a concave bob and then care for it with a keratin shampoo to keep the curls separated and moist?

Although it looks like owning a frizzy mane is a lifelong struggle to tame and keep neat, there are certain unique benefits of having such a hair quality. One of them is trying out a variety of hairstyles for frizzy hair without a guilty conscience.

Play with your wild hair as much as you like and you still won't be fully responsible for making it all crimpled. You can usually get away with saying "that's just the way it is".

You can shop a wide range of specialty hair care products for frizzy hair here.

Comment below if you have any other favourites we may have missed!

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