Collection: Tint Rack

AMR Tint Racks For Convenience

If your salon uses lots of colours, you'll know that storing them can be difficult. With some salons going through hundreds of tubes a week, it's important to have your hair dye stocked well. Tint racks help to do just that. Their aim is to help you easily sort and organise colours so you can find them faster. Most people opt for the wall-mounted tint racks, while others like them already built into the colour bar. Keeping them close to your mixing area will be the most beneficial use, so you won't need to travel as far to find the colours. Once you've got a system in place, you'll find accessing your colours a breeze! Just remember to keep it well stocked.

Stocking Your Tint Racks & Setting Up A System

There are a number of ways you can set up a good organisational system. The one we highly recommend is in numbers. Start from the lightest tint colour and then finish with the darkest. You can start by going down or across, whichever works best for you. Some people work with a number of different brands and prefer to segregate based on that. Stocking the tint racks with your favourite brands that you commonly use is a must. Fanola, Loreal, Wella, Inebrya and BeColor are just some of the popular brands used across salons. If you've got any questions or concerns on what type of tint rack is best for you, reach out to our friendly staff.

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