Collection: Hair Extensions

Hair Care Products for Hair Extensions

Unlike synthetic hair, remy human hair has the ability to be coloured, curled and even straightened.

For many people, this is ideal as they can match it to their exact colour. Once you have your extensions it's important to care for them with quality hair care products.

Caring for Variations of Human Hair Extensions

Clip-in extensions will last longer than glued, weft, tape or halo extensions. That's because you won't wear them as often and are less likely to receive heat damage. Tape extensions are popular as they are long-lasting and can be quickly applied by professionals.

When cared for correctly, it can last up to 8 weeks. Weft hair extensions will last you approximately 6 weeks are on the easier side to care for. They are carefully placed and blended around the hair, giving an all-over natural appearance. Weft extensions are carefully braided, beaded or sewn into the hair.

No matter what variation you opt for, it's important to properly care for the extensions. This means brushing them daily, in conjunction with using proper care products. It's recommended to use a specialised hair extensions shampoo, and shine spray. Additionally, a good reconstructor can help to preserve the extensions.

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Your Questions Answered

Don’t stress about caring for hair extensions — there are a few simple steps you can take to maintain your look. Our first recommendation is a boar bristle brush. These are extra gentle on vulnerable hair types due to the soft and flexible bristles. You can also reduce your wash days to avoid damaging the bonds or tape adhesive in warm water. Finally, try to avoid major stressors like the sun, chlorine, salt water or heated styling tools.

Remy hair is when the cuticle is kept intact and isn't stripped during collection and is aligned in one direction to mimic that of natural hair. This process will ensure that the hair in the hair extensions remains smooth, shiny and tangle-free throughout its lifespan. During the manufacturing process, the hair is then treated to achieve a certain colour and for the most part, the integrity and strength of the hair will remain. Remy hair is the most desirable type of hair for hair extensions as it is made of the same material as natural hair - keratin, which makes it the most natural blend.

We recommend our hand tied weft hair extensions or invisi-tape hair extensions. because these styles are made to be seamless and can be custom to your hair consistency. Hand-tied wefts are highly recommended due to this style coming on a long single piece of thread that will blend in with your natural hair perfectly.

We highly recommend mixing our halo hair extensions and clip-in hair extensions to create the perfect thickness. Our halos are made to be super thick and adding in extra clip in wefts will allow you to fill out any spaces around your head for seamless blending.

Yes! Whenever swimming make sure your hair is tied in a plait to avoid tangling. Be sure to never wear your hair in a bun because this will cause tangling amongst the extensions. Once you finish swimming, it is important to rinse your hair as soon as you can because chlorine or salt water can dry out the extensions. Once home, be sure to wash your Hey Stacey hair extensions and hydrate them by leaving your conditioner on as a mask for 15-20 minutes. We would also recommend applying small amounts of argan oil prior to swimming because it will coat the hair and will help stop the hair soaking up chlorine or salt water. We don't recommend wearing permanent extensions if you are a frequent swimmer because this will shorten the lifespan of your extensions a lot quicker in comparison to someone who doesn't swim frequently.

The thought of maintaining natural hair with extensions is intimidating. However, there are tried-and-tested methods to support a healthier look. Get started by rejuvenating your natural hair before getting extensions. Masks and treatments are the fastest methods, especially 18 In 1 Nourishing Intense Masque or K18 Leave-In Molecular Repair Mask. Once your natural hair is ready, the next step is visiting a professional stylist. Just make sure you monitor for pain or headaches during the appointment. This means the hairstyle is too tight, which can cause hair loss called traction alopecia. Lastly, give hair a break every few months to prevent cumulative damage and breakage.

Once extensions are applied, you will need products specifically designed to care for extensions. Our top recommendations are Natural Look X Ten Hair Extension Care Silky Lite Shampoo, Natural Look X Ten Hair Extensions Care Silky Lite Conditioner and Natural Look X Ten Reconstructor to rejuvenate natural and synthetic hair. You can even use Natural Look X Ten Dissolve to dissolve keratin bonds and tape joins.